At least that is the way things used to be. No more.
Don't get me wrong. I liked Fifty Shades of Grey. Enough to read the second in the series, Fifty Shades Darker. Last night I dove into the third, Fifty Shades Freed. And I've recommended it to my friends. Do I think it is great writing? No. But for its genre it is very well done and rather addictive and I'd like to think that once Vintage Books, a division of Random House, gives it a real edit, it will read a bit smoother than it does now.
Was it worth the $9.99 I paid for an e-book? Absolutely. This is entertainment reading, a chance to escape into a fantasy world that makes you laugh at the absurdity of it at the same time you turn the page to find out what will happen next. And for the record, I am not a suburban housewife, though the trades will tell you that is the only group reading it. There are many, many urban singles and working mothers who are staying up late with Christian Grey. Rick Santorum take note. As one of your colleagues said, sex is popular, as is reading about it.
But back to my jealously. It's created a bit of writer's block.
Questioning what I am writing and why I can often struggle over one word when self-editing when others can repeat the same adjectives page after page, as if they have never read it twice and rise to the top of best seller list. Is success in it writing or a business or a traditional career path, not about honing skills but more like the lottery? You buy a ticket and you play to win but it's anyone's guess whose got the right combination of numbers. Today it's E.L. James. And while I am envious, her success also offers hope. She wrote what she wanted to, she wasn't afraid to put it out there and the Universe has responded with a resounding seven figures. Or at least Vintage did.
What do you think about the extraordinary success of 50 Shades of Grey?
Have you read it?
Do you think it warranted a seven figure advance?
I haven't read it. I may have to. There is no question that there is an element of luck associated with writing success. There is also no question that there are elements of trendiness and likeability associated with writing success.
The celebrity thing drives me crazy. Just because someone can act/sing/whatever doesn't mean they can write.
Nevertheless, I still believe -- I still have to believe that great writing wins. Hang in there!!
May I comment, not on the money aspect of this book, but the nature of the book and how it relates to woman's sexual lives?
I read book one and found it intriguing. However, as with regular, old porn (which is far more exploitative than this book) I found myself frustrated for the same reasons.
The multi orgasmic Ana and the very talented Christian, set a high standard that most cannot attain. If reading the words leave you wanting, and lead you to action with a lover, hopefully you are as " multi" and have a lover as " talented". Otherwise, you might just be left frustrated in the dust, due to your lack of said abilities.
I'll read the rest of the trilogy, but don't bank on the effects I've heard in some other's lives. Not unless the fourth book is a "How to...".
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